Patrick is an Aerospace Executive with over 22 years of experience in the Aeronautics and Space Sectors, having worked at Armscor SOC, Denel SOC, ATNS SOC. He has served as the General Manager for Spaceteq, Executive Manager for Missiles, UAV and Space at Denel Dynamics. Patrick also served in the DSI Task Team on Space Launch Capability Feasibility Study and is currently serving as the Co-Chair of the Satellite Communication & Navigation CoP in NEOSS.
She co-founded Astrofica and is Co-chair for the SatComms and Navigation Community of Practice at NEOSS. She has worked as part of the technical team that developed the Aerospace, Space and Defense Masterplan for the Department of Public Enterprises as well as the team that worked on the Industry Development Policy Framework for the dtic.
Jessie is a member of the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) and the African Space Leadership Youth Forum.
Ms Lumka Msibi is an innovative, award-winning qualified rocket scientist and a Senior Aerospace Systems Engineer with over 5 years of global experience, with a BSc in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand and a Certificate in Aerospace Studies from the University of South Australia and ISU (Australia). She has held various positions in a major aerospace company in South Africa and at NASA in the USA. At the age of 24 she had travelled to all six continents, won numerous prestigious awards and spoken alongside many notable leaders. As the youngest board member appointed by a South African Minister across all government entities, Msibi brings a unique perspective to the board. She provides knowledge and expertise in engineering, strategy, innovation and technology.
Director and Owner of The Enceladus Group, a strategic consulting company focused on industrial development and trade facilitation challenges; Serves as a Director on ZASPACE. Francois has provided technical advisory services to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, a Federal Institute of Germany), in various trade capacity development programmes (ref. Malawi, Mozambique, Ghana, SADC Member States, COMESA Member State) and has and is a member of various Boards and Advisory committees.
Advocate Ndziba holds extensive executive and board experience spanning over 23 years in the public and regulatory sectors. She will bring to the SANSA board her expertise in strategic decision making, board governance, law, risk management and human resources including remuneration, talent/people management, performance management, employment equity and change management.
Ms Mariam Paul (Pr.Eng) is an electrical engineer who worked in the telecommunications industry for more than two decades. She is a registered Professional Engineer with an MBA, a MEng (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) from Rand Afrikaans University, and a BTech (Electrical and Electronics) from Regional Engineering College, Kerala, India. She is currently a Chief Director at the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services responsible for ICT Applications and E-Government implementation.
Senior Lecturer at University of Limpopo and has supervised more than 40 Dissertations. Lufono is an External Examiner for LLM dissertations for University of South Africa (Unisa) and Wits University. Lufono has sat as member on numerous Boards, Advisory committees as well as Audit & Risk committees.
As a Systems Engineer, Molawa currently holds the key position of Mission Systems Engineer for SanDock Austral Shipyards. He is a registered candidate Electronic Engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) specializing in Systems Engineering (SE) and an active member of the International Council on System Engineering (INCOSE).
As INCOSE SA Programmes officer, he is intimately involved in promoting SE to young people and practices SE on a daily basis.
Professor Azwinndini Muronga completed his BSc in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Venda, a MSc in Physics at the University of Cape Town as well as a PhD in Physics from the University of Minnesota, USA. He was previously a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cape Town, an Associate Professor of Physics and Director of the Science Centre at the University of Johannesburg. He is currently the Immediate Past President of the South African Institute of Physics and represents South Africa and Africa on the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) C11 Commission on Particles and Fields, as well as serving as Chair of the judging panel for Mathematics and Physics category of the Global Undergraduates Awards (UA). He reviews of academic programmes, exams, theses and dissertations, project proposals and journal articles. He is currently the Executive Dean of Science at the Nelson Mandela University and through this position he continues to play a leading role in science teaching, learning, research, and engagement.
Advocate Icho Kealotswe-Matlou (LLB) (LLM) is a member of the Johannesburg Bar. Kealotswe-Matlou is a highly experienced lawyer, an independent legal researcher, policy analyst and an advocate for Space Law. She completed her LLM magna cum laude at the University of Pretoria in 2015 focusing on International, Aviation, Space and Telecommunications Law in collaboration with the Institute of Air and Space Law, University of Cologne, Germany. In her current practice she provides litigation support on a wide variety of aerospace business issues. She researches, analyses and evaluates the legal, regulatory, policy and political framework applicable to domestic and international space activities. Her research entails reviews of civil government and agency guidance documents and directives.
Chief Director: Climate Change and Adaptation (Sustainable Development) represents the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment. Mr Ramaru have approximately 18 years’ institutional knowledge and served as SMS member for approximately 11 years. He has chaired the sixth committee on of Food Security and Sustainable development under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and coordinated South Africa’s engagement in the United Nation Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) attended by Heads of State amongst other accolades.
Director and founder of Big Idea Corporate Training and Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd (BankSETA accredited) and a qualified business executive with international experience and demonstrated ability to engage stakeholders across the value chain. Experienced in the following fields: ICT (Data Analytics, ICT Contracting and Supplier Relations, Assets Management, ICT Infrastructure Management), Biodegradable chemicals, Renewable Energy (Solar), Education and Training, agriculture (primary agriculture) and Agro-processing, Industrial Symbiosis Researcher, Material Flow Analysis (MFA) and Deal-making (capital raising). Director and founder of Tenacity Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Foundation NPO and Mukhuthu Arts and Cultural Foundation NPO. He obtained the following qualifications: Executive Development Program – EDP (WBS), Masters in Information Technology (UP), Masters in Business Leadership (Unisa SBL), Bachelor of Arts and University Education Diploma (UNIVEN), Diploma in IT (UJ), The Expert Negotiator (GIBS) and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (Microsoft).
Charlotte is a qualified chartered accountant who is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. She has over 12 years’ experience in public sector audit from the Auditor-General of South Africa. She completed her articles at the Auditor-General of South Africa where she proceeded to become an assistant management and went through the ranks to becoming a Senior Manager.
Ms Nomfuneko Majaja has over her 30-year career inclusive of involvement in Public Administration & Management, academia, Industry development and advisory as well as international partnerships amongst others gained the following management and leadership skills. She has experience in national economic policy development and strategy processes and specifically in aerospace, outer space and electro-technical sectors. Ms Majaja has led the development of the
National Space Policy, which provides guidelines to all space stakeholders as well as domestication of the UN Liability & Registration Conventions. Ms Majaja together with her DSI counterpart lead the development of the Aerospace Sector Development and establishment of the Joint Aerospace Sector Committee. She has led and implemented a number of industry interventions for the advanced manufacturing sectors in support of industrial growth and its competitiveness.
She is currently the Chief Director: Space Affairs at the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). She has represented the dti and served as a Vice chairperson of the South African Council for Space Affairs since 2008 and member of the Ad hoc Committee for the review of the Space Affairs Act No. 84 of 1993. as well as the member of the Policy & Legal Committee of the Council. Ms Majaja holds a Master’s degree in Development Economics from Williams College in Massachusetts (MA) USA, a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree (B. Com Hons) in Economics from the University of South Africa (UNISA) and a B. Com degree majoring in Industrial Psychology and Economics.