Careers - SANSA
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Explore career opportunities at SANSA.
Is a career in space science and technology for you? Learn about career and study opportunities at SANSA.
Explore our career and bursary opportunities:

SANSA is committed to attracting, developing and retaining employees who are passionate about the success of the national space industry. Personal growth, which is one of our values, encourages employees to invest time in education and training through bursaries and training courses offered to them.

SANSA thrives on our employees’ creativity, competencies and expertise, and on their ingenuity to succeed in a high performing environment.

If you aspire to the SANSA values of Service, Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Personal Growth and Excellence, and living these in a fast paced and innovative environment, then SANSA could be the place for you.

The Agency also offers bursaries for post graduate studies and internships in the science and engineering disciplines.