23 Jul SpaceOps 2020 Abstract submission now open!
SpaceOps 2020 Abstract submissions for posters and oral presentations now open!
The organising committee of the SpaceOps 2020 conference, invite you to submit your abstract and papers to the upcoming 16th International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps 2020) which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 18 – 22 May 2020.
Abstract and papers that emphasize unique and innovative practices, technologies, and experiences from which others in the Space Operations community can benefit from will be given the highest priority by the organising committee.
As in past years, SpaceOps 2020 will provide a platform for international and domestic delegates to participate in technical sessions and social events, providing attendees with an opportunity to network with global experts in the space operations industry.
The conference program will bring together experienced and young professionals, as well as students from all over the world to discuss the current status and future of space operations.
Find out more how you can submit your paper or abstract and be part of engaging sessions at the upcoming conference by visiting SpaceOps 2020
Abstract submission deadline August 16 2019.