27 Feb Science engagements with learners
The Science Advancement team continues to touch learners in various schools throughout the country. In this quarter, the team participated at the Science Tube festival in Galishewe, Kimberley, in the Northern Cape on 12 to 16 February 2018.
Learners were engaged on and shown Earth Observation, Space Science and Space Operations activities aimed at using space exploration to stimulate interest in STEMI (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Innovation).
The team also visited Re Tlameleng School for learners with physical disabilities, visual and hearing impairments on Friday, 16 February 2018.
This follows the direct school visit to three schools in Limpopo’s Malamulele area where the team engaged with 855 learners in grades 10 – 12 over two days.
On 21 February 2018 the team hosted grade 8 learners from Beaulieu College from Kyalami, in Gauteng province at the Space Operations facility (ground station).
Overall, the SAS team has reached 242 learners in Kimberly, 214 in Gauteng and 855 in Limpopo during January and February 2018.