11 Oct Engaging the world of Science across the globe
Participation in international conferences is essential for establishing a peer review culture of the research undertaken at SANSA. The impact is seen through the number of ISI publications that result from various collaborative research projects. In addition, it allows scientists to forge working relationships with other international groups and assists in developing new international project areas and funding opportunities.
The 12th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) took place in Mexico from 26 – 31 August 2013. IAGA is one of the eight associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). This year a total of 730 scientists from 52 countries participated in the Assembly.
IAGA promotes and coordinates studies of the electrical and magnetic properties of the Earth’s core, mantle and crust, of the middle and upper atmosphere, of the ionosphere and magnetosphere, the Sun and solar wind.
IAGA encourages free exchange of scientific information, facilitates international collaboration in research and through the Scientific Assemblies it organises meetings and workshops and provides opportunities for discussion and publication of research results.
A total of eight oral and poster presentations were delivered by the SANSA team including a presentation given by SANSA Researcher, Dr Peter Sutcliffe, on geomagnetic pulsations using magnetometer data. During the Assembly it was unanimously decided that the next IAGA meeting will take place in Cape Town in 2017.